Contact Us

We're thrilled you're thinking of contacting us at Varlocity Laser & Models! Whether you have a question about our model aircraft, a motorcycle part, need advice on laser cutting, or just want to share your latest motorcycle part or aircraft masterpiece, we're all ears (and eyes)!

A Friendly Note to Spammers:

  • πŸš€ To Our Aspiring Astronauts: If you're about to send us details about a 'moonshot' deal on pharmaceuticals or a 'stellar' opportunity to invest in a bridge on Mars, we hate to break it to you, but we’re more into models than molecules!
  • 🎨 To the Picassos of the Internet: While we appreciate art in many forms, our inbox isn't the gallery for those 'too-bold-for-the-louvre' images. We're sure there's a more suitable space in the vast universe of the internet for your... um, unique masterpieces.
  • 😎 Cool Cats with Questionable Offers: We're all for good deals, but if it's not about our rad laser cutting or custom projects, we're probably going to pass. Unless, of course, you're offering free coffee. We're always open to free coffee.

For the Rest of Our Awesome Community:

  • We can't wait to hear from you! Drop us a line about anything from product inquiries to sharing your latest project or even just a hello. Our team is here to help and delighted to connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Get In Touch!

  • Fill out the form below, hit 'Submit', and let the magic happen. We aim to respond faster than a laser-cut pattern (which is pretty fast, by the way).